Saturday, February 5, 2011

Themes from Youtube Videos

  • There is a real lack of videos pertaining to Clinical Health Psychology
  • Psychology is viewed as calm and maybe even coddling
  • There is a lot of fun poked at how people are treated
  • Men seem to fill the field, but my own experience tells me otherwise
  • Interactions are very unorthodox
  • All seem to keep cool in stressful situations
  • Definite delight in research and finding out new things
The trends are difficult, because of how new the field is. This is a young marriage between medicine and psychology, and they are just now defining themselves.


  1. These themes make sense. The first picture that comes to my mind after hearing your pursuing career is a general picture of a person behind a desk. How do these general themes affect the way you perceive your career? Since there are no specific stereotypes directly relating to your career, will it be easier to adjust to your career as opposed to one that has many stereotypes (such as a teacher)?

  2. Honestly, I think that is probably because you guys are good at your job. It's like the tech in any play; it wouldn't work without you, but your not supposed to be seen, only the finished product, your patient, is. So in a way i guess that is a sort of tribute to your profession. Also, by not being in hollywood's glamorizing spotlight, you get to avoid the warped impressions of your field and all the blindly offbase assumptions.
