In every picture, I'm sitting down, most of them had me behind a desk. I can see they understood my desire to help others, but it was in which manner that they didn't know. I do not blame them in the least, because my focus is so very specialized in this choice of calling. Was I offended? I was not. I did see that the stereotype of anything labeled "Psychologist" shone through quite strongly, but it isn't offensive. I appreciate the effort of my peers.
I was one of the people who drew your profession and I have to admit, I wasn't sure what to draw! While I have some idea of what a psychologist does, I don't know a lot about the more specific factions of this field. I think you are very right in saying that when a profession has the word "Psychologist" in its title people latch on to "Psychologist" and tend to ignore the rest. I think it is interesting that none of the pictures portrayed your view of your future profession. I wonder why it is that people have a hard time visualizing your profession. Is it a matter of terminology, or is your profession underrepresented by the media?