Friday, March 25, 2011

Part Three: Challenging

Well, this was definitely a stretch for me. I have NEVER painted in my life, save for watercolors in elementary. And even better, these were oil-based paints. I found they did not wash easily, but I enjoyed the experience.

The theme throughout is "Murky". Thing are never crystal clear in psychology, it takes some time to sort through all of the layers that make up a damaged psyche.

Behind is the Psi symbol, representing the mind, while Chi, symbolizing cutting or a schism, is in the hands, dissecting the mind and guiding others towards fulfillment.

The hand contains a red beaker, signifying the incorporation of hard sciences into psychology. Medicine, chemistry(drugs), and even physics(ergonomics, bioengineering) are all present, with the study of them all pertaining to psychology.

Now, I am not an artist, but some may find this work to be one thing, while another may see something different. Reality, psychology, cognition, all the same. Treatments may fail, be marginally successful, or be complete successes. This, to me, looked nothing like what I had imagined, but I do still appreciate what went into this process: discovery, failure, completion, effort.

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